SunstarTV Bureau: Bollywood actress, Kriti Sanon has shared the first look of her character Jassi from the upcoming action drama, Ganapath, on Wednesday. A day before, Tiger Shroff had upped the excitement by sharing a precursor to the look.
Sharing the motion poster, she wrote, “Meet JASSI !! Super Duper Excited for this one!! Teaming up once again with my very special @tigerjackieshroff Can’t wait for the shoot to begin! Lets KILL it! #Ganapath #VikasBahl #VashuBhagnani @jackkybhagnani @deepshikhadeshmukh #GoodCo @pooja_ent #PoojaEntertainment.”
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The poster presents Kriti in an electrifying manner, on a bike and looking backwards. She sports a raw and rugged look, donning a black top and green cargo pants.
Ganapath will be directed by Vikas Bahl and is a Pooja Entertainment and Good Co. production. The film will go on floors soon, the pre-production for which has already commenced.
Speaking about it, Kriti said in a statement, “I’m thrilled to re-unite with Tiger after about 7 years and also to be directed by Vikas in a space that is so new to me. I’ve wanted to explore the genre of Action since a while now and I’m super excited to do so on such a massive scale with Pooja Entertainment! Jackky is a very passionate producer and I’m glad to be starting my journey with them with such a cool character.”
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Talking about casting Kriti for the role, Vikas added, “Kriti not only has a riveting screen presence but she also has the persona of a superstar. She is truly ‘The Right One’ to star opposite Tiger as I am confident she will make a perfect action heroine. I am extremely excited and looking forward to working with the two wonderful artists.”