Bhubaneswar (SunstarTV Bureau): The Commissionerate of Police has launched an investigation into the abduction and disappearance. The ‘Application Prarambh’ was launched in collaboration with the Kiss and SN Mohanty Foundation. The event was attended by Youth Icon and Bollywood star Rahul Bose and Kiss and KiiT founder and Kandhamal MP Dr Achyut Samanta.
Dr Achuth Samanta, MP, said that because many students are using social media, cybercriminals are targeting them on social media. The anti-socials also monitor speeding rules and even abuses them. Girls, especially when using social media, need to keep their eyes peeled to avoid cyber fraud.
They need to be aware of this. Meanwhile, the police commissioner said that, in slum areas, along with social media campaign, families to be counselled to spread awareness which help them to take care of their children. Even the further counselling to be expands in schools and colleges of state. In addition, the Commissionerate of Police will stand with girl victims on those are trapped in the cycle of cyber bullying.
The commissioner of police, Soumendra Priyadarshi, said the aim is to strengthen the cell. The center will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can find out your complaint by contacting toll-free number 2545445 in Bhubaneswar.