SunstarTV Bureau: Ranu Mondal, the woman sang on the railway platform and became social media sensation overnight. Ranu’s video of Lata Mangeshkar singing “Ek Pyaar Ka Nagma Hai” went viral. Her video has been circulating on social media. Watching the video, Bollywood singer Himesh Reshammiya gave the opportunity to sing in the film. After singing a song, Ranu Mondal suddenly disappeared.
Now the trend of biopic films is going on in the Bollywood world. Preparations are also underway for a film on Ranu Mondal. The film titled “Miss Ranu Maria” and is directed by Rishikesh Mandal. The biopic will feature Ranu Mondal in the role of Ishika Dey, who has already acted in Bengali and Hindi films. The film will be shot in Calcutta and Mumbai. The film prior decided to cast actress Sudipta Chakraborty. However, Ishika was taken into the film.
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Ishika has already acted in the film ‘Red Captain and Web Series Sacred Games’. She never met with Ranu Moandal. The both would be going to meet virtually. According to reports, the shooting of the film will start in November this year. It is scheduled to be released on March or April 2022, according to makers.