Bhubaneswar (SunstarTV Bureau): On the direction of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Friday announced that as many as 63,303 primary teachers across Odisha will be promoted as the government has reduced the residency period. Meanwhile, reduction in residency period will also help fill up vacant posts of teachers and headmasters at upper primary level.
According to CM, the promotion of teachers will improve management and educational system in primary schools across Odisha.
Total 29,759 assistant teachers, who are currently at 5 (A) level, will be promoted to 5 (B) level. Similarly, 29, 759 senior teachers, currently at 5 (B) Level, will be promoted to level-4 and 3785 headmasters in level-4 will be promoted to level-3 by September 2021, informed a communique issued by Chief Minister’s Office (CMO).
Besides, residency period for assistant teachers has been reduced to six months from existing one year, whereas the period for promotion to level 3 from level 4 has been reduced to 1 year from existing 2 years.
On the occasion, CM Patnaik sought co-operation from all concerned for the state Government’s efforts towards quality education.