SunstarTV Bureau: Ashish Mishra, son of BJP leader and Union Home Minister Ajay Mishra, was hit by a car on Sunday in Laxmipur Khiri in Uttar Pradesh. Its voice has been heard all the way to Delhi. Three farmers were killed in the incident. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has described the incident as genocide. Kisan Satyagraha also chanted the slogan Zindabad.
“Anyone who is silent about this inhumane massacre is already dead,” Rahul tweeted. But this sacrifice will not be in vain – Long live the Kisan Satyagraha! ”
According to the Sanyukt Kisan Morcha, Ashish Mishra, son of Home Minister Ajay Teni, trampled three farmers in his vehicle. In view of the seriousness of the incident, GDP Mukul Goel has instructed ADG legal system Prashant Kumar to reach the spot immediately.
On Sunday, Union Home Minister Ajay Mishra was scheduled to lay the foundation stone of several projects in Banbir village. Deputy Chief Minister Keshab Prasad Maurya was the chief guest at the event. It is alleged that the ambassador provided the information to Hussein during a rally on Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck.
Even after much persuasion, the farmers did not move. BJP workers also arrived there at this time. According to the complaint, BJP activists reached there at this time and started a riot. Meanwhile, Union Home Minister Ajay Mishra’s son’s car crushed the farmers. Four farmers were killed and several were injured in what became known as the Cold War.