SunstarTV Bureau: Today Agriculture Minister Arun Sahoo, informed in the state Assembly that Odisha Government has spent a whopping Rs 6690 under the Krushak Assistance for Livelihood and Income Augmentation (KALIA) Yojana during the last three years in Odisha.
In reply to a question raised by BJP MLA Nauri Nayak, Sahoo said in 2018-19 fiscal, a sum of Rs 2175.66 crore was spent towards the financial assistance for 51.05 lakh marginal and landless farmers. In 2019-20, the beneficiaries received Rs 3243.01 crore under the scheme.
Families of as many as 53.55 lakh marginal and landless farmers in Odisha have been provided with financial assistance under KALIA Yojana during 2020-21 financial year. Till February this year, Rs 1272. 19 crore has been spent, Sahoo added.