Bhubaneswar (SunstarTV Bureau): Concerning above the unnecessary spread of COVID virus in State amid the festive season, the Odisha government has imposed the new night curfew rules which will come into effect in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack city from 8 PM today and continue till 20th October.
Reportedly, the night curfew will be imposed from 8 PM to 5 AM till the above mentioned date.
Night curfew from 10.00 PM to 5.00 AM in all urban areas of the state will continue. In Bhubaneswar and Cuttack city, shops and malls shall remain open from 05.00 AM to 08.00 PM from 11th October to 20th October.
All religious festivals/ festivities/ functions shall be held/ celebrated/ observed as per the guidelines issued by the State Government on August 9.
Twin City Police Commissioner Saumendra Priyadarshi has cautioned people not obeying the night curfew regulations with strict action.
If anyone does not follow the night curfew rules, the concerned person will face stringent action, said Priyadarshi, adding that the violators could be arrested as well.
The Police Commissioner said tight vigil will be kept on persons with criminal antecedents. Those who get involved in extortion in the twin city will also face strict action, he added.
He appealed the denizens to follow COVID appropriate behaviour during the Durga Puja.