SunstarTV Bureau: The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has released a new notification inviting applications for Research Associate and Junior Research Fellowship.
DRDO has invited Applications ‘from energetic and enthusiastic candidates with zeal to work at high altitude areas for the following posts of Jr. Research Fellowships and Research Associates at DRL (DRDO), Tezpur’ in Assam:
Research Associate: PhD in Zoology/Entomology/ Horticulture/ Food Science & Technology/ Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Environmental Science/ Life Sciences.
Jr. Research Fellow (JRF): M. Tech/ ME in Textile Engineering or or MSc in Biotechnology with NET qualification or M. Pharm.
Jr. Research Fellow (JRF): MSc in Botany/Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Environmental Science/ Life Sciences with NET qualification.
DRDO Recruitment 2021 – Know Essential Information:
Cutoff Date: Age and Education qualification will be counted as on 31/July/2021.
Age Limit: The maximum age limit for the candidates is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates.
Place of Work: Place of work is DRL, Tezpur and its detachments at Salari and Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh.
Tenure: Tenure of JRF is initially 2 years, which is extendable as per the Government rules and that of RA is two years (max). Award of Fellowship/ Associate does not confer any right to absorption or employment in DRDO.
How to Apply: Interested candidates can submit his/her Bio-data elaborating personal data, contact details and brief on educational, professional qualifications, experiences, publications etc. (max in 2 pages) along with self-attested copies of all certificates and testimonials in PDF format latest by July 31 at email ID: [email protected]. No application will be entertained after the closing date, read an official notification.
Date of Interview: The date and time for Interview will be communicated individually to the suitable candidates by email. It will be conducted Online or Off-line as per provisions available at that time, it added.For more information, visit the official website of DRDO.