SunstarTV Bureau: Human behavior always being defined as per its unique mind’s concept and the functions which has been done by him/her. It’s quite amazing that how every unique mind at some level functions similarly.
Here are15 facts about our psychic those are a clear indication of why things happen to us the way they do and justify our reactions for the same. These might just solve the puzzle that you are:
- Chocolate and shopping are more addictive than drugs.
- Good liars can detect the lies of other persons very quickly.
- 95 percent of the times when people say they want to ask a question you recall all the bad things you have done recently.
- People who swear a lot tend to be more loyal, upfront and honest with others.
- People with low self esteem are more likely to criticize others.
- Comedian and funny peoples are more depressed than others.
- Women with higher IQ have a harder time in finding love partner.
- Being alone for long time has bad effect on our health.
- The more you talk about someone the more you are likely to fall in love with that person.
- Majority of the people listen music to forget their problems.
- A person who tries to keep everyone happy ends up being the loneliest.
- Doing things that scare you will make you much happier.
- If you announce your goals to others you are less likely to succeed. Recent study says you lose motivation.
- Sometimes we are too scared to be happy. We tend to think that something tragic might happen.
- Feeling ignored produces the same chemical effect as that of an injury.