SunstarTV Bureau: As per the order from today onwards the curfew will be implimented from 9 PM to 6 AM every night with same duration and will continue till the midnight of March 31, 2021. The district administration restricting movement of individuals further added that action will be taken against violators under Section 51 to 60 of Disaster Management Act 2005, the Epidemic Diseases Act 1897 and Section 188 of IPC and other legal provisions.
On March 28 and 29 for celebration of Dolayatra and Holi associated religious gatherings will not be allowed in public places throughout the district .People are advised to celebrate holi at their respective houses.Only 50 participants will be allowed during Dola Melans. For Badayatra celebration and associated religious cultural congregations of maximum 200 persons will be permitted.
The district administration prohibited open air theatres, Jatra, Dasia nata and local cultural programme. The CDMO was asked to provide thermal scanners at the Badayatra site to ensure no suspected case of Covid-19 to be allowed in the yatra.
However, religious rituals in temples in the district will continue as usual with strict observance to Covid protocols. Considering local conditions, entry of devotees into temples and celebrations in temples and religious place will be allowed.